General 2 — Longevity2020

Biomarkers of aging.jpg

Friday 1 May

5pm EU: 4pm UK: 11am EDT: 8am PDT

Longevity: start now

2.5 hours split over 3 sessions … Followed by ‘Ask me anything’ session for VIP ticket holders

Session 1

Phil Newman

Editor-In-Chief, Longevity.Technology

Review of Days 1 to 4 in the context of the here-and-now Longevity market.

Johnny Adams

CEO / Executive Director, Aging Intervention Foundation

Executive Director, Gerontology Research Group

Curator introduction


Co-founder and CEO, Repair Biotechnologies & Fight Aging!

Early access to the treatment of aging: distinguishing rational self-experimentation from arrant foolishness

Tom Weldon

Founder, Executive Chairman, Acting CEO, Ponce De Leon Health

Rejuvant – starting Longevity now

Liz Parrish

CEO, BioViva Sciences

How can BioViva address the here and now?

Steve Perry


Results of exogenous GDF11 supplementation in over 100 human volunteers – the view of Patient Zero

5 minute coffee/bio break 🙂

Brian Delaney

Director, Vitality in Aging Research Group

Navigating the labyrinth of dietary restriction methods

Isabelle Schiffer

Scientific Spokesperson, Forever Healthy Foundation

Forever Healthy – ensuring a healthy Longevity

Oliver Zolman

Director, 20one Consulting Ltd

Prescribing Longevity

Phillip Milgram

Medical Director, NAD MD, Inc

Prescribing Longevity Stateside

5 minute coffee/bio break 🙂

Session 3

Oksana Andreiuk

Founder, Strategist, Canadian Biohacker, Klick Health

Biohack your way to Longevity (TBC)

José Cordeiro

International Fellow, World Academy of Art and Science (WAAS), Executive Director, Ibero-American Futurists Network (RIBER)

The Death of Death: the three bridges to physical immortality

Zoltan Istvan

Author of Transhumanist Bill of Rights, Presidential Candidate

What is making a transhumanist wager?

Johnny Adams

CEO / Executive Director, Aging Intervention Foundation

Executive Director, Gerontology Research Group

Closing remarks

Phil Newman

Editor-In-Chief, Longevity.Technology

Close and introduction to ‘Ask Me Anything’ session for VIP ticket holders

Please note: speakers, presentation titles and running order may change. This page is updated daily. Thanks.